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Documentary Evidence
Start by looking at section 3 of EA 1950
& definition of evidence given under this section. It provides, and will
notice it includes
Oral evidence given by witness in court
Document tendered in court for court’s
inspection = documentary evidence
See there that it has the word ‘includes’
& documentary. It has a wide definition. Therefore it means there can be
other forms evidence. This section does not only give you definition of what is
evidence but also gives on definition of what it meant by ‘document’ = any
matter expressed or described…Not necessary to memorize it, just take note of
the section that provides it. It is given the widest possible definition
interpretation given. It is given so as to allow incorporation of evolving concept
of document and advances in technology. Can Include:
Audio recordings
Video recordings
R v Maqsud Ali [1965]
“we see no difference in principle between
a tape recording and a photograph… it oes appear to the court wrong to deny to
the law of evidence advantages to be gained by new techniques and new devices…tape
recording is admissible in evidence.”
What happened was, (English case) accused
and co-a charged with murder and there was a secret recording of the
conversation they had which was in the office secretly recorded by the police
and what these 2 accused had done confessed to the crime on what they going do
etc, the prosecution wants to tender in the evidence
One issue of the court is whether they can
accept it as evidence in court. No reason to avail itself of advancement of
technology and should take note to the advancement, consider it similar to
photograph = can be admitted as evidence.
Here it was that the dialect spoken in it
was regional dialects so had to transcribed etc.
Must be transcribed in official language
In addition to the general requirements,
there are others to satisfy when dealing with tape recording, audio recording
Mohd Ali bin Jaafar
Tape must be run through and found to be
Recording machine must be in proper
working order
Tape not tampered or altered, chain of
evidence must be established
Witness must have played over the tape and
heard voices which they can identify
Transcript prepared and tape played over
and checked with transcript
You do not use it unless question involves tape recording issue.
Here there was recording between umi.. and
a datuk, ran to 7 tapes, but the evidence tendered in court was only 4 tapes,
has to be rejected because original was 7 tapes and now 4 meaning tampered and
unreliable = rejected .
*take note CCTV falls within documentary
evidence because now falls under computer generated documents in Ahmad Najib
Aris, under section 90A.
Take note of Section 66. Also, take note of section 58
Now going to look at each of these sections
one by one.
Applies to civil cases only
General rule is a fact has been admitted
to there is no need to prove said fact
Exception court has discretion and call
for strict prove
3 types of admissions
Anything admitted need not be proved but
even admitted the court can at its discretion ask party to prove.
At the hearing
In hearing before the hearing
Pleadings “in writing before the hearing”
Jaafar shaari v Tan Lip Eng [1997]
3 things here (check again)
Note that section 23 is without prejudice
communications (oral/writing)
Can be either express or implied from
To encourage negotiations and settlement
Use this section to prevent someone to use
what you have admitted
Quite straight forward and provides that
the contents of documents can be proved primary or secondary & just go
through the steps
When discuss on documentary evidence begin
with section 59 and point out the rule and cross refer to section 61 (where
proven either by primary/secondary) then state these steps
PP v Tan Huang Huang
Saying all the provisions 59-66 these
provisions apply to both civil as well as criminal when it comes to documentary
Gives you definition of primary evidence
Document produced for inspection of court
talking about original document
When you are reading this section need to
read with the light of explanation 1, 2 and 3.
Explanation 3: Document produced by
computer = primary evidence. The hard copy printed out from computer straight
away deemed as primary evidence. Deemed as original
Explanation 1: Example the signing
that takes place in the TV and there are 2 papers both are primary. Miss Mages
explanation and example of her waived fee.
Explanation 2: Any documents of
number of documents which have all been created same uniform process all deemed
to be primary. So if you have a document created in the computer, printed 7
copies, all 7 are primary copies created in same uniform copy and difference
with taking the printed out to photocopy, the rest are not primary copies.
Carbon copies technically are primary, so
example bank slip the few copies together carbon copies would be primary. But
not all the carbon copies are primary.
PP v Rengasamy
Court came to the conclusion carbon copies
are primary documents
Kok Kee Kwang v PP
Court came to the conclusion that carbon
copies are not primary because in some situations not created in same uniform
Just because carbon copies does not
necessarily mean it is primary, you have to ask yourself whether it was created
in same uniform process or not
Tsia Development v Awang Dewa
Here the judge again had…
The judge referred authorities cited from
India and Sarkar case as well, then he asked on typed written carbon copy, top
coy sign first and later bottom copy signed, not created in uniform process. The
court considers when the signature put in the first, or top copy.
Meaning not created in same uniform process
= secondary
Conclusion typed written carbon copy and
bottom not properly signed or initial cannot fall under explanation 2.
So have to look at facts and decide.
Alliedbank v Yau Jiok Hua
Court said carbon copy put in the same
process can be primary.
So now whether in same uniform process or
done separately, if same uniform process = primary if not secondary. Need oral
evidence to determine so.
Ooi Thean Chuan v Banque de Paris
Judge asked this question, how many
original can there be? You may think of 1, but there can be more than 1.
Example when you go and buy an original dvd & cd, there can be millions but
they are all original.
But said this is a false argument, there
can be more than 1 original provided created in the same uniform process
He was prepared to accept that carbon
copies can be original but created in sae uniform process? That is the issue.
Gives you the definition of what is meant
be secondary evidence.
*highlight the word ‘includes’ in the section
Refer to the list found in the statute
Oral evidence/someone read or heard of the
documents and whatever means of perceiving the documents (what others it
includes, brail for example for the blind)
You will see one common thing in this
section ‘copy’ but not defined under this Act
Lee Weng Kin v Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri [1991]
Look at this case for definition of what
is meant by ‘copy’ under this section where it must be prepared from the original
and accurate reflection of the original = copy
If copy different from original is not a
Lee Kok Nam v PP [1999]
The court made it very clear Photostat copy
under this section paragraph (d) would fall within Photostat copies.
Must bring original unless really couldn’t
retrieve it
As a general rule document must be proved
by primary evidence within the definition of s.62
It enforces the best evidence rule
Popular Industries v Eastern Garment
Here reinforces the best evidence rule
KPM Khidmat v Tey Kim Suie
For documentary, strictly apply the best
evidence rule, bring in strictly original unless can show exception of section
65 applies.
Alliedbank v Yau Jiok Hua
Court made it very clear just because you
satisfy requirement of bringing in primary document, does not mean automatically
(i) check relevancy – primary evidence not exempted from
(ii) Mode of prove (primary/secondary, 61-65) If you want to
bring in secondary must satisfy section 65.- still does not mean everything
admissible, see the last one
(iii) see whether tendered to prove truth of content – not admissible unless maker in court
So even if you get pass rule no 1 and 2,
get caught under 3rd rule. We are only dealing with mode of prove here.
This whole thing don’t arise when the
document is in the agreed bundle of document
Cross refer to section 52 of Stamp Act
If it is a document requires stamping cannot
tender as evidence unless duly stamped
This rule doesn’t apply to criminal cases
Exception can be found in this section as
Can be admitted on payment of duty and
Does not apply to criminal cases
Document executed by/on behalf of
Purpose of this rule is pure public policy
to ensure everyone pays their stamp duty
Not really legal aspect but law helping government
to get $$
Chiew Vui Kiet v Chong Fook Thein
Here court took harsh approach and not
followed today because court soon realise purpose of rule
If original not stamped, cannot tender the
Even after penalty paid, cannot tender it because
not starting from original
Cannot bring in secondary for there is no
evidence to show original stamped
Malayan Banking v Agencies Service
We now follow this position
As long as you pay the fine and duty can
accept the tendering of the document
Because recognized as a public policy
factor and not legal rule
Can you raise an objection based on non-payment
of stamp duty? You cannot, it it considered to be bad form to raise such
objection. The Bar Council in UK has the rule that you cannot do so. In
Malaysia, think we are in similar position as UK.
The document must fall within one of these
under section 65(1)
Popular Industries v Eastern Government
PARA (a)
Must be read subject to the notice to
produce under s.66
The original is with other party/other
party out of jurisdiction of court
Will apply only if notice to produce has
been issued under section s.66 but the person whom the notice is issues is
disobeying or likely to disobey
When you read para (a) cannot read in
isolation but together with section 66
“shall not be given…notice to be issued”
Two situations, one is there is notice,
need to follow, second is court dispensed hence no need to notice
What are the situations can be dispensed
by the court?
When document proved itself is a notice
Nature of document
Obtained by fraud
Original in court by adverse party
Possession out of reach of court (check other requirements)
It is quite wide so court can dispense the
In the event examined on this, must cover
both 65(1)(a) & s.66 together.
If the original lost or destroyed not due
to your own fault of your own and cannot produce it within reasonable time, then
court can allow to submit secondary document
Note: 2 limbs are disjunctive no need for default
or neglect under 1st limb
If document is destroyed or there is no
need to show the absence of neglect or default
If it is any other reason, then need to
prove not own default or neglect
Kwang Boon Keong
This is where court declare two limbs are
disjunctive and not conjunctive
KPM Khidmat v Tey Kim Suie
Party wants to rely on it has to establish
para (c)
Need to show diligent search has been
undertaken before court accept document lost or destroyed
Kalki Jewellery
The issue here was concerning fax here on
thermal paper where the print will disappear
He faxes were in thermal paper he usually
will keep Photostat copy of all the faxes unfortunately the original faded
words cannot be seen in court
Question before court can he be allowed to
bring in this secondary copy
On the facts here original has been lost/destroyed
because of nature of paper
So allowed secondary one in
*done with s.65 the rest just take note*
Can you bring in parole evidence rule to
contradict a written document?
GR: not allowed to bring in extrinsic oral
evidence to vary the contents of a written document
Governed under section 91 -99
Section 91
Terms of contract have been reduced into
writing/document by parties
No evidence shall be given in proof of the
terms of the contract
Except the document itself or secondary
evidence subject to s.65
So cannot bring in except the original
cannot be found for oral evidence to come in as secondary
Section 92
The rule to bring in secondary is very
limited, the section that clearly excludes parole evidence to contradict is
this section
When any terms of a contract has been
proved according to section 91 (please take note s.92 only kicks in when the
terms of contract has been proven in accordance with s.91 and 91 tells you ,you
give me original or secondary only in situations it is allowed )
No oral agreement or statement shall be
admitted for the purpose of:
i. contradicting
ii. Varying
iii. adding or
iv. Subtracting
Proviso of para (a) – (f) exceptions.
Datuk Tan Leng Teck
If 91 doesn’t apply, 92 doesn’t apply as
So need to see if document has been proven
under 91, if yes cannot bring in oral evidence unless fall under one of the
Tan Cong v Alan Mcknight
In relation to para (b) where the
existence in separate oral agreement ….
He is an Australian and he wanted to buy a
car, he also wanted to make sure should he go back to Australia he could bring
this sback and exempted from duty so need to specify specifications in Malaysia
and Australia
He claims when spoke with salesman gave
assurance will satisfy both specifications and therefore purchased and put in
the order
However later the written contract had a
clear contradiction Tan Chong Motors don’t take any warranty that the
specifications to be suitable to other countries
But dangerous if dun allow oral evidence
to come in therefore Federal court here allowed for the oral evidence to come
in under proviso (b)
The oral statement clearly contradict the
Hi, can I ask for the full citation of Kalki Jewellery case? And what country is it from?
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